Christine McDonnell
Appears on these lists
Homelessness More Books - Youth
NCSS / CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People 3-5 2023
Texas Topaz Nonfiction Gems 2023 (Gr. 3-5)
Women's History - Tweens
NCSS / CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People 3-5 2023
Texas Topaz Nonfiction Gems 2023 (Gr. 3-5)
Women's History - Tweens
When Kip Tiernan was growing up during the Great Depression, she'd help her granny feed the men who came to their door asking for help. As Kip grew older, and as she continued to serve food to hungry people, she noticed something peculiar: huddled at the back of serving lines were women dressed as men. At the time, it was believed that there were no women experiencing homelessness. And yet Kip would see women sleeping on park benches and searching...