Cyril Scott
The third volume in the series takes up where The Initiate and The Initiate in the New World leave off, providing more insights into the mysterious Adept known as Justin Moreward Haig. At first, we think that "the dark cycle" relates to the group of students left to their own devices when Justin Moreward Haid disappears for a time. The students meet with the astrologer David Anrias, and become aware of the concepts taught by Krishnamurti and the theosophists....
Written as a sequel to The Initiate, the Pupil, as Scott called himself, reconnects with his master, Justin Moreward Haig, after not seeing him for many years. Scott is invited to leave London to stay in Boston, where Justin Moreward Haig is teaching about thirty other students. As in The Initiate, Scott related his experiences as if he were keeping a diary, so that this second book is also a teaching story. For example, the master discusses concentration,...
Cyril Scott felt that if the Christian religion was to survive, its esoteric aspects must be presented to the reading public and not merely remain the knowledge of a select few. The Vision of the Nazarene reveals Jesus of Nazareth in a light hitherto unknown and unsuspected by most. It also gives the key to many of his teachings which have not been correctly understood. Cyril Scott (1879-1970) was an English composer, writer, and poet. The youngest...
The Initiate presents the unfolding story of the fascinating and mysterious personality known as Justin Moreward Haig. The story is of absorbing interest to students of the spiritual path because they learn that Mahatmas and Masters do not live in seclusion, nor are they necessarily well-known teachers and authorities. The spiritual path can be found by people of diverse nationalities and races. Here we learn the veiled history of an Adept who lived...