Shinawil (Firm)
Pub. Date
Set in 1967, a heartwarming film that follows the story of three generations of close friends, Lily, Eileen, and Dolly of Ballygar, a hard-knocks community in Dublin, who have one tantalizing dream: to win a pilgrimage to the sacred French town of Lourdes, that place of miracles that draws millions of visitors each year. When the chance to win presents itself, the women seize it. However, just before their trip, their old friend Chrissie arrives in...
2) The cured
Pub. Date
What happens when the undead return to life? In a world ravaged by a virus that turns the infected into zombies, a cure is found and the wrenching process of reintegrating the survivors back into society begins. Among the formerly afflicted is Senan, a young man haunted by the horrific acts he committed while infected. He attempts to restart his life, but is society ready to forgive him and those like him? Or will fear and prejudice once again tear...