From the Book - First Threshold Editions/Mercury Radio Arts hardcover edition.
Prologue: Wrath makes him deaf
Part one: We have a problem
Hello, my name is Glenn, and I am addicted to outrage
Here's why outrage "works"
and why it's more addictive than heroin
So what makes you an expert?
the logical consequence of postmodernism
Urban proximity, a false togetherness
Into the arms of the arrogant and ignorant
The enemy of my friend...may not be my friend but should be my teacher
Part two: Why we must fix this now
The end of the human(ity) era
The future state of the future state
Take this job and shove it
Judge, jury & executioner
Part three: Finding our unum
And the truth shall set you free
How to think, not what to think
Our self-evident rights and seemingly invisible responsibility
The cages of our addiction
Part four: Reconciliation