Part I: A book within a book; 1. A short course on love and respect
Part II: Three vital truths for better communication; 2. In marriage, the mouth matters; 3. Not wrong, just different; 4. Can you trust your spouse's good will? (can your spouse trust yours?)
Part III: The crazy cycle: A relentless enemy of marital communication; 5. Decode and stop the crazy cycle; 6. "Ouch! you're stepping on my air hose!"; Part IV: The energizing cycle: to better communicate, meet your spouse's needs; 8. Enjoy win-win communication on the energizing cycle; 9. Decode and the use C-H-A-I-R-S to energize him; 10. Decode and then use C-O-U-P-L-E to energize her; 11. Dealing with the everyday challenge; 12. More strategies for dealing with communication glitches
Part V: The rewarded cycle: the unconditional dimension of communication; 13. Why the rewarded cycle is for every marriage
hot, cold, or lukewarm; 14. The Jesus way of talking
Part I communicating love and respect; 15. The Jesus way of tlaking
Part II to love and respect, use truthful, uplifting, and forgiving words; 16. The Jesus way of talking
Part III to love or respect: Be thankful, scriptural and faithful
Conclusion: in God always trust.