Za xun : ren lei pan duan de que xian
Uniform Title
Sibony, Olivier, author.
Sunstein, Cass R. author.
Liao, Yuejuan, translator.
Zhou, Yifang, translator.
Sunstein, Cass R. author.
Liao, Yuejuan, translator.
Zhou, Yifang, translator.
Taibei Shi : Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2021.
Di yi ban.
9789865251796, 9865251795
Physical Desc
543 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Chinese - Adult Nonfiction (1st floor World Languages)
CHI 153.83 KAHNEMA 2021
1 available
CHI 153.83 KAHNEMA 2021
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Chinese - Adult Nonfiction (1st floor World Languages) | CHI 153.83 KAHNEMA 2021 | On Shelf |
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Taibei Shi : Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2021.
Di yi ban.
9789865251796, 9865251795
General Note
Translation of: Noise : a flaw in human judgment.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 512-543).
Discusses why people make bad judgments and how to make better ones by reducing the influence of "noise"--variables that can cause bias in decision making--and draws on examples in many fields, including medicine, law, economic forecasting, forensic science, strategy, and personnel selection.
Traditional Chinese Edition of [Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment]. The Nobel Prize winner and author of "Thinking Fast" Connerman was brewing for ten years to detect human decision-making. The society is full of many unreasonable situations, like different judges. There are completely different judgments on the same case, different doctors’ diagnosis of the same patient is very different, different interviewers have very different opinions on whether to admit job applicants, even together with a judge, doctor and interviewer. Different judgments will be made at the time. Why is this happening?
博客來、誠品一致選書推薦 與英美同步出版 諾貝爾獎得主、《快思慢想》作者 康納曼 醞釀十年 探測人類決策的最大黑洞 社會充斥很多不合理的情況,像是不同法官對同一個案件卻有截然不同的判決、不同醫師對同一個病人的診斷有很大的差異、不同面試官對於是否錄取求職者意見大不相同,甚至就連同一個法官、醫師與面試官在不同的時間也會做出不同的判斷。為什麼會這樣? 因為,只要有判斷,就會有「雜訊」 而且在日常生活中,雜訊比你以為的還要多 丹尼爾.康納曼、奧利維.席波尼、凱斯.桑思汀三位行為科學家發現,在醫學、法律、經濟預測、法醫鑑識、保釋、兒童保護、策略、績效評估、個人選擇等領域,都看得到雜訊,但是一般人和組織都沒有意識到這個問題,結果是付出高昂的代價、公共安全與衛生受到影響、社會還會出現極端不公平的情況。 本書中,作者從各領域的實例中拆解雜訊出現的原因,並提供幾項決策保健策略,幫助讀者預防決策雜訊。 雜訊與偏誤一樣,都是人類必須迫切正視的問題 唯有正視雜訊與偏誤的存在,並做好決策保健工作 才能迎向決策錯誤更少、更公平、更健康的社會 各界好評 《雜訊》是我這十幾年來讀過的書當中最重要的一本。作者提出全新的想法。這想法極為重要,你恨不得馬上付諸實踐。──《恆毅力》(Grit)作者 安琪拉.達克沃斯(Angela Duckworth) 行為科學書籍的四個黃金標準是:見解新穎、證據嚴謹、文筆洗練、能實際應用。很少有一本書能達到兩個標準,但《雜訊》四者皆具,有如打出全壘打一般。準備面對這三位思想翹楚提供的閱讀震撼,讓他們幫助你重新思索如何評估別人、做決定和解決問題。──《給予》(Giving)作者 亞當.格蘭特(Adam Grant) 雜訊是對大眾看不到的龐大社會問題進行非常精采的調查。──《蘋果橘子經濟學》(Freakonomics)共同作者 史蒂芬.李維特(Steven Levitt) 在《雜訊》中,三位作者以獨特、新穎的角度,切入人類在各個領域的判斷問題:從《魔球》教練到中央銀行總裁、軍事指揮官,乃至國家元首。《雜訊》是一項偉大的成就,是心理學領域的里程碑。──《超級預測》(Superforecasting)作者 菲利普.泰特洛克(Philip E. Tetlock)
Text in traditonal Chinese script.
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APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)
Kahneman, D., Sibony, O., Sunstein, C. R., Liao, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2021). Za xun: ren lei pan duan de que xian (Di yi ban.). Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Daniel Kahneman et al.. 2021. Za Xun: Ren Lei Pan Duan De Que Xian. Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)Daniel Kahneman et al.. Za Xun: Ren Lei Pan Duan De Que Xian Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2021.
MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)Kahneman, Daniel, et al. Za Xun: Ren Lei Pan Duan De Que Xian Di yi ban., Yuan jian tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong si, 2021.
Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.